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How to develop compassion - from Buddhism to Logotherapy / Sergej Magdycansky


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Why do I care so much about compassion? It's a huge challenge for me and it represents a state of mind that I would like to achieve. This challenge is much greater than my actual capabilities, but when I practice compassion, I feel the benefits for myself and others on a daily basis. Compassion is not a luxury, but an essential tool for living in modern times.

What is compassion and what are its main components?

a. Compassion towards others, towards myself, towards the whole
b. Compassion vs. empathy

How is compassion a quality of the human dimension?

a. From buddhists Bodhichitta to daily life practice
b. Compassion and GRACE model

How can compassion be useful in therapy?

a. How can we use compassion as a therapist? What is useful?
b. How can be lead a client towards compassion? What are the steps?

How can we practice compassion in daily life?

Workshops for the Turkish Colleagues

In collaboration with our colleagues Erkan Kalem and Özkan Kenarlı from ValueIstanbul Logotherapy Institute in İstanbul/Turkiye we organized a special three-day workshop on how to help mental health professionals from Turkiye approach adults and children, survivors of the terrible EARTHQUAKE that hit TURKIYE on the 6th of February this year.

There were over 100 psychologists, psychiatrists and counsellors from Turkey joining us in this Crisis Intervention Workshop Program on Zoom Platform.

The concrete topics that we presented by our G.L.I. members Batya Yaniger, Eleni Aroni and Anja Markovic are listed below.  Each one of these workshops was r
ecorded and you can check them out o
n YouTube.

First Day: Remembering the Body


Second Day: Grief as Our Teacher 

Third Day: Helping the Helpers (Crisis Intervention Principles for Professionals) (PART 1) (PART 2)

What to do when you disagree /

February 16, from 7:00 - 8:00 PM Israel time

Being off Course is the Course: How to lower your anxiety and stay focused / 


February 9, from 6:00-7:00 PM Israel time

Ronnie Dunetz: Cultivating meaning in second half of life “Sieze the day and Sage away”
-- To be announced


Synthia Mary Mathew: Preparation of lessons and modules:
“Preparing children for meaningful living” starting with emotional regulation and then preparing them for meaningful living




Collect individual’s inspirational stories of meaning, and invite all of those individuals to each give a short presentation – in preparation for a webinar where they will all present their stories


Short messages to send to John Piedrahita to put on twitter, instagram, etc.


Margalit Chordekar: Workshop on “Pain through purpose” to group of women in India


Synthia Mary Mathew: Workshop to a group of young women “Conscience listeners” logotherapy principles for open sharing to learn from or how emotional patterns are not helping us find meaning


Juster Donal Sinaga: Integrative workshop for adolescent survivors of sexual abuse in Indonesia


Roksolana Melnyk: “Reinvention of values in times of permacrisisfor the business community in Ukraine


John Piedrahita: Podcasting: Interviews with other therapists.

To message John about Podcast interview:+1 (786) 343-4474


John Piedrahita: Mystical traditions from logotherapy perspective – seeking quotes


Collaborative writing about logotherapy: Ronnie, Sabine, Anja, Hidayet and Elina


Other ideas: videos, photography, music, art, movies




One Humanity Day
A mini-conference on Zoom on November 15, 2022 in collaboration with Nino Berdzinishvili from the region of Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, etc.


Outreach Committee 
Introduction to logotherapy workshop, December 2022


Mark Lane-Holbert: Pilgrimage: Purposeful movement of body, mind and spirit

To Join our 2023 Virtual Pilgrimage (info & instructions):


Roksolana Melnyk: Peer support group for women in Ukraine
(Including IDP and refugee women, women with disabilities, etc.) which meets on a weekly basis and practices self-support tools based on Nonviolent Communication and Logotherapy.


Roksolana Melnyk: Open workshops for IDP women, using elements of logotherapy


Roksolana Melnyk: Workshop for colleagues from work (an international nonprofit organization):
“How to make meaningful decisions and not regret them” Practical tools to fill their life with meaning. Meaningful decision-making

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